Category Archives: Mental Maps

Mental Maps in Community Medicine: COVID-19

Disclaimer: This set of mental maps is intended for use by my exam-going students. However, others may find them useful as well.

Please note that all maps open in a new tab when clicked (for full screen viewing).

COVID-19: 1. Overview
COVID-19: 2. Introduction
COVID-19: 3. Problem Statement
COVID-19: 4. Agent Factors
COVID-19: 5. Host Factors
COVID-19: 6. Mode of Transmission
COVID-19: 7. Clinical Features
COVID-19: 8. Laboratory Features
COVID-19: 9. Management
COVID-19: 10. Prevention and Control
COVID-19: 11. Vaccine

Sources: Most of the content has been obtained from the US CDC and WHO web sites. Data for the problem statement has been obtained from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems and Science Engineering COVID-19 Data Repository (JHU CSSE).

Useful Links:

Link to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site:

Link to the World Health Organization (WHO) web site:

Link to the JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data